Charlie Hebdo’s Deceased Editor’s Cartoon for The Priest’s Children

Interfilm production company announced that the official media partner for the promotion of the film The Priest’s Children in France will be the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, whose office in Paris suffered a terrorist attack on 7 January, resulting in 12 human casualties.
After last year’s successful international distribution of The Priest’s Children, directed by Vinko Brešan and produced by Interfilm, with over 113,000 viewers, starting from April 2015 the film will be distributed in France by WIDE, the company that is also the film’s international sales agent. In preparing the marketing strategy, the distributer had to face censorship issues trying to launch the official film poster, a picture of a priest with a condom, deemed unacceptable by most French media. However, as Interfilm explained, WIDE found the official media partner in the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo and signed a collaboration contract in December. The magazine’s editor, Stéphane Charbonnier, known as Charb, especially liked The Priest’s Children’s unusual humour, as well as the subversive and committed storyline, testified by the cartoon he made and sent WIDE just a few days before the last week’s tragedy, in which Charb and the cartoonist who was supposed to illustrate the film’s campaign lost their lives.
'All the people of this world, and me personally, were shocked by the crime against the Charlie Hebdo journalists and cartoonists. I feel proud to be, at least indirectly, through The Priest’s Children, connected with Stéphane Charbonnier-Charb – a true hero of freedom. I read his cartoon for the promotion of The Priest’s Children as a message that we have no other way but to conquer the infinite spaces of freedom in front of us', said Vinko Brešan about the tragic events in Paris.
The Priest’s Children were seen by over 158,000 people in Croatian cinemas, and it was co-funded by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre and Eurimages.