view in croatian- HR, SI, IT
- 2020
- 76' / 58' / 53'
- debut feature
- Orig. Title: Starac i roda, priča o Malenoj i Klepetanu

Twenty-seven years ago, a widower Stjepan Vokić found a stork with a broken wing. He saved her life and named her Malena. Since then, Malena has been living with Stjepan, sharing endless lonely winters and happy but short summers, when Malena’s faithful male stork returns to her. Without Stjepan, Malena would certainly starve to death. And we ask ourselves, who would Stjepan be without Malena.
- Director
- Tomislav Jelinčić
- Screenplay
- Tomislav Jelinčić
- Cinematography
- Alan Stanković
- Editing
- Ivan Gergolet
- Sound Design
- Julij Zornik
- Music
- Luca Ciut
- Producers
- Danijel Pek, Maja Pek-Bruenjes, Miha Černec, Igor Prinčić
- Production
- Antitalent (HR)
- Co-production
- Tramal films (SI), Transmedia production Srl (IT), RTV Slovenija (SI), Hrvatska radiotelevizija (HRT)
- World Sales
- Rise and Shine
- Croatian Distribution
- Restart
- Support
- Hrvatski audiovizualni centarr (HAVC), MEDIA, MiBACT, FVG, RE-ACT