RE-ACT: regional fund to boost Italian, Slovene and Croatian feature co-productions / Press-conference in Venice

On Monday, Sep 1, at Venice Film Market will be launched RE-ACT (Regional Audiovisual Cooperation and Training), a brand new transregional initiative for co-developing audiovisual projects and fostering international co-productions, set up by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund and Slovenian Film Centre.
RE-ACT has two components: an innovative co-development funding scheme for feature-length projects, and a series of specifically targeted training programmes taking place alongside the annual international Framework workshop at TorinoFilmLab.
The initiative is a natural progression, stemming from a successful and long-standing history of cooperation between the three film funds. In the last few years alone, this collaboration has resulted in the development of several training/networking activities (such as EURODOC and When East Meets West), as well as the joint funding of several multi-award-winning co-productions – such as Italian-Croatian film TIR by Alberto Fasulo, winner of Grand Prix at Rome Film Festival 2013.
Its main goal is to facilitate the co-development of relevant, topical and engaging audiovisual stories from the region, as well as offering additional co-development financial support, and opening up new audiences and markets for films capable of travelling beyond their local confines. The co-development funding scheme is intended for filmmakers and producers who wish to co-develop feature length films (fiction, documentary, animation and experimental) and to foster closer creative and business ties between filmmaking communities in Croatia, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia.
RE-ACT will be officially launched at the Venice Film Market on Monday 1st of September 2014 at 13.00 in Hotel Excelsior in Venice (Spazio Incontri). Speakers are directors of three AV funds: Jožko Rutar (SFC), Paolo Vidali (FVG), Hrvoje Hribar (HAVC), with Debora Serracchiani, President of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Tamara Perišić on behalf Ministry of Culture of Republic of Croatia.
After the conference join us at screening of Italian-Argentinian-Slovene feature documentary Dancing with Maria by Ivan Gergoleto and RE-ACT launch party afterwards (Hugo Pratt Library, Via Sandra Gallo 136/B, Lido di Venezia). Invitation can be found in attach.
Please RSVP to and please contact us for all additional information needed.