Quit Staring at My Plate and Half a Man win in Lithuania

Winners of the Vilnius International Film Festival – Cinema Pavasaris were announced, and included Mia Petričević, winner of the Best Actress Award for her role in Quit Staring at My Plate, while Half a Man won Short Film Special Mention.
Hana Jušić’s debut feature film starred Mia Petričević in her first ever acting role. The architect was randomly approached by the director who convinced her to audition for the film. ‘I really wanted Mia to play Marijana because she so wonderfully embodies the character. She is the foundation of this film,’ said the director after receiving the award in Vilnius. Recently, Mia Petričević won special mention at the 21st Sofia International Film Festival.
Quit Staring at My Plate screened at this year’s Vilnius festival in the New Europe – New Names competition programme which features debut films by directors from Central and Eastern Europe who explore the quest for self-identity using innovative cinematic means.
Along with Hana Jušić’s debut film, special mention went to Kristina Kumrić’s debut short film Half a Man. The film is the result of a national project entitled One Picture from the Homeland War which was initiated in 2013 by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre and the Ministry of Veterans’ Affairs in the Republic of Croatia.
Approximately a dozen Croatian films, ranging from animated to documentary to feature films, were screened in various programmes of the Vilnius International Film Festival – Cinema Pavasaris. More information about the festival and winners can be found on the festival’s official website.
Cover photos: Hana Jušić; scenes from Half a Man; visual ‘special mention’
(*Photos courtesy of festival’s Facebook page)