Eurimages Supports Croatian Co-production

Board of directors of Eurimages, the European co-production fund, at its 139th session taking place 15-19 June in Prague, supported a total of 31 feature European film co-productions in the total amount of EUR 7,745,000. These include the Croatian-Czech co-production Ministry of Love, written and directed by Pavo Marinković (Croatian co-producer: Telefilm; Czech producer: 8Heads Productions), with EUR 150,000.
Ministry of Love, written and directed by Pavo Marinković, is a social comedy about war widows living in wild marriages not to lose the right to pension. The state is trying to put an end to this and sends inspectors in the field to establish the true state of affairs. The cinematographer is Simon Tanšek, costume designer Vedrana Rapić, set designer Gorana Stepan, and make-up designer Ana Bulajić Črćek. The Croatian producer is Stanko Babić with Telefilm, and the film stars Stjepan Perić, Dražen Kühn, Ecija Ojdanić, Olga Pakalović, Ksenija Marinković, Milan Štrljič, Alma Prica and Bojan and Goran Navojec. The film is a Croatian-Czech co-production and the shooting will take place in Zagreb, Dalmatinska Zagora (hinterland of Šibenik) and Drniš. The estimated shooting will take 35 working days, and post-production and finalisation will be completed in November this year.
Other supported films include Recycling Feelings (Fotografi de femilie), the latest film by Cannes winner Christian Munguiu, and the latest films by Joachim Lafosse (Our Children) and Oscar winner Marleen Gorris (Antonia).
The entire list of supported projects can be found on this link.