Croatian Films at the Eastern Neighbours Film Festival in The Hague

At this year's edition of the Eastern Neighbours Film Festival to be held in The Hague from 6 to 10 November, a total of eight Croatian titles will be screened.
At the Eastern Neighbours Film Festival, in four different sections, eight Croatian productions and co-productions will be screened. In the Current Relevant Cinema programme, three minority co-productions will be screened: feature films Erased directed by Miha Mazzini (the Croatian co-producer is Kinorama, Zagreb), God Exists, Her Name is Petrunya by Teona Strugar Mitevska (the Croatian producer is Spiritus Movens) and Stitches by Miroslav Terzić (the Croatian co-producer is also Spiritus Movens).
In the Documentaries Open Debates section, a multiple award winner On the Water by Goran Dević has been included, while the Family Films section will include the screening of the children's SF film My Grandpa is an Alien by Marina Andree Škop and Dražen Žarković.
Short films, Big stories is a programme unit to include the screening of documentary titles 90 Seconds in North Korea and At the End of Darkness – both directed by Ranko Pauković, and the award-winning film I Can Barely Remember the Day by Leon Lučev.
The Eastern Neighbours Film Festival will also introduce new and exciting films from East and Southeast Europe with a view to drawing closer to the Dutch and international audience the cinematography and culture of their new eastern neighbours. Various film genres will be screened at the Festival, from feature and documentary films to short and animated films, most of them to be premiered in The Netherlands. At this year’s edition of the Festival there are 45 films from 21 countries.
Cover photographs: scenes from the films Erased, On the Water and At the End of Darkness