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Wishing on a Star

view in croatian
  • IT, HR, CZ, AT, SK
  • 2024
  • 99
  • Orig. Title: Pod sretnom zvijezdom

Luciana is an Italian astrologer, she believes that life is affected by the position of the constellations at the moment of our birth. If we want to change our life, it is enough to visit a place with a favorable constellation on our birthday: the day on which we get the opportunity to be “born again” every year. Many people contact Luciana about their problems, the film follows their stories and birthday trips. Beneath the humorous mood, this film is an empathetic search for meaning in a chaos-filled cosmos.

Peter Kerekes
Erica Barbiani, Peter Kerekes
Martin Kollar
Erica Barbiani, Lucia Candelpergher (Videomante)
Videomante (IT)
Peter Kerkes (Peter Kerkes Films), Vanja Jambrovic (Restart), Mischief Films (Austrija), Artcam Films (Češka), Levante Films (Brazil)
Restart, Peter Kerekes s.r.o., Mischief Films, Artcam
Hrvatski audiovizualni centar (HAVC), Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism - Directorate-General for Cinema (MiBACT - DGC), Slovak Audiovisual Fund (AVF), Friuli Venezia Giulia - Audiovisual Fund (FAFVG), Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission (FVG FC, CREATIVE EUROPE - SINGLE DEVELOPMENT, Eurimages, Czech Film Fund

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