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view in croatian
  • 2010
  • 4'39''
  • beta SP
  • 2D
  • color
  • Orig. Title: Kolinje

In the countryside, two butchers slaughter a pig. When he wakes up in his room, in his bed, he realises that it was just a dream. On his way to work he notices the butcher from his dream on the street. From that moment on, he is haunted by him.

Marko Dješka
Marko Dješka
Marko Dješka
Marko Dješka
Bianca Ban
Akademija likovnih umjetnosti (ALU)
World Sales
Zagreb film

Marko Dješka (1983) attended the High School for Art and Design - painting design major, and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb with BA major at the Animation and New Media Department. In addition to animated film, he is interested in comics, illustration and painting as well.

Croatian film catalogue

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