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Mom, Why Are You Crying...

view in croatian
  • HR
  • 2017
  • 20'
  • black & white
  • Orig. Title: Mama, zašto plačeš...

I’ve never liked asking for help. As a single mother, my biggest fear is that I won’t be enough for my children. Because of that, I desperately try to manage everything and balance everything, thinking that if I can pull it all off, I would be able to convince myself that I really can do this. I am a freelance mother and photographer, but after 17 years I’ve lost my life energy. My body is tired.

Vladimira Spindler
Vladimira Spindler
Vladimira Spindler
Vladimira Spindler
Sound Design
Ivan Zelić
Anita Bastašić
Restart – Škola dokumentarnog filma
Croatian Distribution
Restart Label
Društvo hrvatskih filmskih redatelja (DHFR), Grad Zagreb, Nacionalna zaklada za razvoj civilnoga društva

Croatian film catalogue

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