RE-ACT and First Cut Lab 2020: new series of workshops targeting features in editing phase

In a very challenging and demanding time for the film industry, RE-ACT has decided to plan ahead and launch for the second consecutive year a new collaboration with First Cut Lab. Workshop will take place in Serbia and the deadline for submission is Friday, May 15.
Thanks to this partnership, RE-ACT will host two sessions along the year, each one designed for two long feature fiction films in editing phase from Croatia, Friuli Venezia Giulia region, Serbia or Slovenia. During each workshop selected producer/director teams will screen their full rough cut in a private session and receive expert feedback on their edit from three top international film professionals (creative producers, festival programmers, sales agents, etc) as well as tailor-made advice from a consultant editor. The main goal is to foster the artistic potential of the selected rough cuts and, at the same time, to increase the sales, festival and circulation potential of the completed films.
The First Cut Lab RE-ACT summer session will take place in Serbia - workshop dates to be confirmed - and the deadline for submission is Friday, May 15. Thanks to the partnership with RE-ACT there is no participation fee and selected director and producer should be available during the days of the workshop.
You can find more details about the program, eligibility criteria and application process at the First Cut Lab website and for any further information you can directly contact
For all those who are planning to have a rough cut available only in the second part of the year we will unveil more detailed information about the possibility to take part in the First Cut Lab RE-ACT fall session - workshop dates and location to be confirmed - in the coming months.