RE-ACT 2019: New member state, workshop call for entries and co-development funding criteria

In the past five years RE-ACT has achieved great results in connecting professionals and boosting co-productions between Croatia, Slovenia and Friuli Venezia Giulia region (FVG) but starting from this year the network will expand. Thanks to the close collaboration with Film Center Serbia, all Serbian film professionals will be eligible to attend the future RE-ACT workshops and apply to the co-developement funding scheme.
On the training side, the action plan for 2019 will feature a series of collaborations with TorinoFilmLab, Eurodoc and First Cut Lab. Starting from September, during the 22nd Slovenian Film Festival in Portorož, RE-ACT will welcome back FeatureLab, the TorinoFilmLab programme entirely dedicated to feature fiction films in development. For the first time RE-ACT will host a Eurodoc session in Novi Sad at the beginning of October, bringing together teams of producers and directors of creative documentaries.
Finally, for the end of the year RE-ACT will launch First Cut Lab, an initiative exclusively dedicated to films in post-production phase. Please see below the complete call for entries and application forms for TorinoFilmLab and Eurodoc and note that we will announce more info about First Cut Lab in the second part of the year.
Detailed information can be found at the official RE-ACT website.
TorinoFilmLab and Eurodoc
TorinoFilmLab | RE-ACT workshop call for entries
Deadline: July 4, 2019
The first RE-ACT workshop will take place in Portorož (Slovenia) in September 17-19, 2019 and will be held alongside the programme FeatureLab.
Target group & programme
The workshop will be open to 4 creative teams of producer/writer from Slovenia, Croatia, FVG and Serbia who are developing a feature fiction project. The programme will include: individual meetings with experts/tutors, group work and plenary sessions and many networking moments.
Participation fees & conditions
The participation at TFL/RE-ACT Workshop is free of charge. All participants will be offered meals & coffee breaks and will have the chance to book their hotel rooms with the RE-ACT special rate (94 EUR for single rooms and 109 EUR for double rooms). Selected teams are supposed to arrive on September 17 in the morning and return on September 19 in the late afternoon so the duration of the stay would be 2 nights.
Submission deadline & final selection
To apply to the TFL/REACT workshop please send the attached complete application form and all required documents by July 4, 2019 by email to All selected teams and projects will be announced by the end of July, 2019.
Eurodoc | RE-ACT workshop call for entries
Deadline: July 15, 2019
The second Re-act workshop will take place in Novi Sad (Serbia) in September 30 - October 5, 2019 and will be held in collaboration with Eurodoc, training programme designed for documentary film producers who want to enhance the development stage of their projects on the international level.
Target group & programme
The workshop will be open to 10 creative teams of producer/author from Slovenia, Croatia, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Serbia who are developing a creative documentary.
Selected participants will have the opportunity to: receive in-depth feedback and advice, access the EURODOC plenaries, masterclasses and case studies, and network with European and international documentary producers.
Participation fees & conditions
The participation fee for each participant attending the Eurodoc/RE-ACT workshop is 200 EUR. All participants will be offered 5 night accommodation, meals & coffee breaks.
Submission deadline & final selection
Applications must be submitted by July 15, 2019 via this link. All selected teams and projects will be announced by the end of August, 2019.
On the financing side, in mid-September RE-ACT will launch a revamped co-development funding scheme with some new criteria. In order to scout and support more talented directors and upcoming producers from all RE-ACT countries, from 2019 onwards the call for co-development fund wil focus on first/second time directors or first/second time producers. This means that in order to be eligible at least one member of the team (either the director or one of the producers attached to the project) should be working on a feature (fiction or documentary) or short animation for the first or second time. All guidelines will be announced in mid-September in Portorož and followed by the yearly RE-ACT networking brunch.
For any further help please do not hesitate to contact RE-ACT at The application form is available at the upper right side of this text.