Call for projects for RE-ACT Co-Development Funding is now open

Representatives of RE-ACT presented the open call for Co-Development Funding and collaboration with first edition of SeriesLab program, a brand new initiative by TorinoFilmLab, during the 19th Slovenian Film Festival in Portorož (13-18 September 2016).
During the 19th Slovenian Film Festival in Portorož, the second round of RE-ACT Co-Development Funding was presented. It is a funding scheme that supports projects in development with co-producing partners coming from the three fund's territories and which supports a maximum of six projects with a minimum financial support of 10 000 Euros per project per year.
The Programme Council appointed by three member funds reads and evaluates the projects in collaboration with external experts. The recipients of RE-ACT co-development funding for the year 2016 will be announced in January 2017 during the When East Meets West Co-Production Forum in Trieste, Italy.
Deadline for application is 15 November 2016.
For guidelines, eligibility criteria and application form visit this link.
The third RE-ACT Workshop will take place alongside the first TFL SeriesLab programme in 2017, within its second residential workshop. Apart from feature and documentary projects in development, the third RE-ACT Workshop will be open for at least one TV series project in development that will participate in this new collaboration kick off. Call for projects for the third RE-ACT workshop will be opened at the beginning of November at
RE-ACT is an initiative set up by Croatian Audiovisual Centre, Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund and Slovenian Film Centre in collaboration with TorinoFilmLab aimed in developing new audiovisual projects and fostering international co-productions. It is designed for filmmakers and producers who wish to foster closer ties within Croatia, Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT) and Slovenia.