Uppsala Short Film Festival: Croatian films in Former Yugoslavia Now programme

Former Yugoslavia Now programme has presented four other Croatian titles. Uppsala Short Film Festival was held 19th – 25th October 2020, both at festival locations and online, with all the films available to Swedish audiences.
Uppsala Short Film Festival 2020 featured the Former Yugoslavia Now programme.
“Filmmakers in the Balkans tend to come from or live in big cities, and for a long time most of the works they delivered were decidedly urban. However, in recent years, this has changed and young directors increasingly look at the countryside as a setting and a state of mind. In this selection you will find both aspects, and realise that they are actually quite complementary, and that their topics and artistic approaches are often interchangeable. This dynamic shows the untameable spirit of people living in the region that used to be one country and is still a common cultural space,” said the description of the Former Yugoslavia Now programme, which was divided into two sections: Rural Joy and Urban Drama.