Something Sweet
view in croatian- SI, HR
- 2023
- 93
- color
- romance, comedy
- Orig. Title: Nešto slatko

The career of event organiser Kaja is jeopardised when world-renowned marketing guru Ace Majstorovski misses a flight for an important conference. Amidst organisational chaos, Kaja encounters Ace’s “double” at the hotel and persuades him to take his place. Something Sweet is a comedy with many twists and turns and a sweet dose of romance that will make you fall in love with it.
- Director
- Tin Vodopivec
- Screenplay
- Urška Majdič, Tin Vodopivec
- Cinematography
- Darko Herič
- Editing
- Miha Šubic
- Costume Design
- Tjaša Frumen
- Production Design
- Tomaž Majdič
- Cast
- Jelena Jovanova-Perić, Saško Kocev
- Producers
- Urška Majdič, Tin Vodopivec
- Co-producers
- Maja Zupanc, Mateja Koren, Saško Kocev, Ivan Katić
- Production
- Sparks and Juice Production
- Co-production
- K A O S
- Distribution
- K A O S