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  • SI, HR, MK, IT
  • 2023
  • 82'
  • color
  • psychological, crime, drama
  • Orig. Title: Promatranje

The film follows Lara, a paramedic intern who helps bring a young man into hospital, after he was brutally beaten and the event live-streamed on Facebook. Although he is in a coma, Lara starts to receive video clips from his FB profile, showing unidentified persons watching him get beaten. She reports this to a detective, who starts an investigation. All the observers appearing in the video clips will turn into a nightmare in her own life, and soon she realises that she too is an accomplice in this horrible event.

Janez Burger
Srđan Koljević, Janez Burger
Marko Brdar
Miloš Kalusek
Sound Design
Julij Zornik, Igor Popovski
Costume Design
Ana Savić Gecan
Production Design
Vasja Kokelj, Špela Jelovčan, Vasja Kokelj
Diana Kolenc, Vladimir Vlaškalić, Benjamin Krnetić, Jure Henigman, Nataša Keser
Miha Černec, Nina Robnik, Jožko Rutar
Staragara (SI)
Robert Jazadžiski, Boris T. Matić, Lana Matic, Igor Prinčič
Propeler Film (HR), Kaval Film (MK), Transmedia Production (IT), RTV Slovenija
Slovenski filmski center (SFC), Hrvatski audiovizualni centar (HAVC), RTV Slovenija, Agencija za film Republike Sjeverne Makedonije, Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission - FVG, MiBACT - Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e per il Turismo, Viba Film, MEDIA

Croatian film catalogue

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