view in croatian- SI, HR, MK, IT
- 2023
- 82'
- color
- psychological, crime, drama
- Orig. Title: Promatranje
The film follows Lara, a paramedic intern who helps bring a young man into hospital, after he was brutally beaten and the event live-streamed on Facebook. Although he is in a coma, Lara starts to receive video clips from his FB profile, showing unidentified persons watching him get beaten. She reports this to a detective, who starts an investigation. All the observers appearing in the video clips will turn into a nightmare in her own life, and soon she realises that she too is an accomplice in this horrible event.
- Director
- Janez Burger
- Screenplay
- Srđan Koljević, Janez Burger
- Cinematography
- Marko Brdar
- Editing
- Miloš Kalusek
- Sound Design
- Julij Zornik, Igor Popovski
- Costume Design
- Ana Savić Gecan
- Production Design
- Vasja Kokelj, Špela Jelovčan, Vasja Kokelj
- Cast
- Diana Kolenc, Vladimir Vlaškalić, Benjamin Krnetić, Jure Henigman, Nataša Keser
- Producers
- Miha Černec, Nina Robnik, Jožko Rutar
- Production
- Staragara (SI)
- Co-producers
- Robert Jazadžiski, Boris T. Matić, Lana Matic, Igor Prinčič
- Co-production
- Propeler Film (HR), Kaval Film (MK), Transmedia Production (IT), RTV Slovenija
- Support
- Slovenski filmski center (SFC), Hrvatski audiovizualni centar (HAVC), RTV Slovenija, Agencija za film Republike Sjeverne Makedonije, Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission - FVG, MiBACT - Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e per il Turismo, Viba Film, MEDIA