Introducing Librophileas
view in croatian- HR
- 2019
- 17'20''
- CGI, 3D
- Orig. Title: Predstavljanje Knjigoljuba

A television news crew goes to an antique bookshop where a strange guest is expected to make an appearance. The guest is Librophileas, an ancient, mystical creature that lives wherever there are books. He explains his appearance at that particular place and time. He opens up about how terrifying he finds the PDF format and Kindle device, and calls out his archenemy, a creature called Copyman.
- Director
- Ivica Valentić
- Screenplay
- Ivica Valentić, Ivana Valentić Majcen
- Animation
- Ivica Valentić
- Design
- Ivica Valentić
- Backgrounds
- Ivica Valentić
- Cinematography
- Ivica Valentić
- Editing
- Ivica Valentić
- Sound Design
- Ivica Valentić
- Music
- Mario Majkić
- Voices
- Ivica Valentić, Bogdanka Dimitrijević, Ivana Valentić Majcen, Maja Gregić, Zorana Dobrijević
- Producer
- Ivica Valentić
- Production
- EZOP obrt za trgovinu antikvitetima
- Croatian Distribution
- EZOP obrt za trgovinu antikvitetima