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Good Morning

view in croatian
  • 2007
  • 83'
  • color

Home for the elderly and infirm in Zagreb. One of the residents there is an author who - using digital film camera - wants to document the environment in which he lives: his own, and partly the daily life of most of the other residents. On one level - "common" events and situations - from waking up in the morning with the sister's knock on the door and the greeting "Good morning!" to which the resident's response is expected, through serving a meal in the room, visiting the home doctor or sitting in the home's foyer, the author would give an insight into the little-known real life inside such an institution and the "everyday rituals" of its residents. However, transforming these situations through the prism of his own life, which, both physically and mentally, he lives outside the spatial limitations of the home, the author also offers a documentary-like clean and uncompromisingly brave insight into personal physical limitations caused by old age.

Ante Babaja
Ante Babaja
Ante Babaja, Goran Trbuljak, Tomislav Jagec
Martin Tomić
Sound Design
Vesna Biljan

Croatian film catalogue

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