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Professional Bodies of the Centre

There are three autonomous and equal bodies presiding over the activities of the Croatian Audiovisual Centre: the Managing Board, Chief Executive Officer and the Croatian Audiovisual Council. Each body is responsible for a different area of activities: the Managing Board oversees the Centre’s compliance with the legal framework, the Chief Executive Officer represents and manages the Centre, and the Croatian Audiovisual Council decides on the allocation of funds for the Centre’s various programmes.

The Managing Board – Legal and Financial Framework

The Managing Board runs the Centre – it oversees the general business activities of the Centre and ensures that they are carried out within the legal framework of the Act on Audiovisual Activities. The Managing Board is comprised of five members. The Ministry of Culture and Media appoints the President and three members from the ranks of distinguished artists and professionals in the cultural industries who are chosen by industry associations through an open call by the Centre. The employees of the Centre choose one member amongst their own ranks. The term of office for members of the Managing Board is four years.

With the Ministry of Culture and Media’s assent, the Managing Board, inter alia, passes the Statute of the Centre, decides on the financial plan and the Centre’s yearly revenue account, determines the Centre’s business and development plans and controls their implementation. It also appoints and dismisses the Chief Executive Officer.

Davor Švaić PhD, the President
Željko Tufekčić, member
Tajana Tomić MSc, member
Ingrid Padjen Đurić, the employees' representative

Chief Executive Officer – Organizes, Manages and Represents the Centre

Chief Executive Officer is the head of the Centre who represents and acts on behalf of the Centre, organises and runs the Centre’s activities and is responsible for the legality of its work.

Chief Executive Officer proposes the Statute and other general legal acts to the Managing Board, ensures their enforcement and is responsible for the implementation of these acts and the Board’s conclusions. Amongst other things, he proposes the annual implementation plan of the National Programme and executes decisions on the allocation of funds based on the National Programme by concluding agreements with beneficiaries of the fund. Chief Executive Officer is appointed for a term of four years based on the call for applications announced and implemented by the Managing Board in accordance with the law and the Statute.  

Chief Executive Officer of the Centre is Christopher Peter Marcich. 

The Croatian Audiovisual Council – National Programme’s Activities

The Croatian Audiovisual Council is responsible for the Centre’s programme activities. It announces a public invitation to tender for the allocation of funds for the purpose of promoting audiovisual creation and complementary activities. Upon the recommendation of the Artistic Council, it passes decisions on the allocation of funds for the production of audiovisual works and complementary activities.

Because the funds allocated by the public call derive from the State budget and the statutory levy imposed on users of audiovisual services (see: Financing), membership of this body is comprised of representatives of professional associations of audiovisual service providers (film workers, directors, producers, cinematographers) and representatives of all those who derive a direct benefit from the production of audiovisual works (cable and national televisions, internet and telecom operators, film exhibitors and distributors). The purpose of including representatives of all players in the Croatian audiovisual sector in the work of the Croatian Audiovisual Council was to create a democratic, transparent and just system that would enable both the producers and users to actively participate in deciding on the allocation of funds.

The Croatian Audiovisual Council is comprised of one representative from:

  • The ministry governing cultural activities
  • Croatian Radio Television
  • Each television broadcaster with a national concession to broadcast general programmingThe National Television Association
  • The Croatian Film Workers' Association
  • The Croatian Film Directors' Guild
  • The Croatian Producers' Association
  • The Croatian Cinematographers' Society
  • The Association of Screenwriters and Authors of Performing Arts
  • Amateur film associations and amateur school groups
  • The Croatian National Archives - Croatian Cinematheque
  • Professional group of cinema exhibitors at the Croatian Chamber of Economy
  • Professional group of distributors at the Croatian Chamber of Economy
  • All cable distribution systems' operators
  • All fixed and mobile telecommunications networks operators and internet service providers
  • All institutions of higher education in the area of audiovisual activities.

Other activities of the Croatian Audiovisual Council include appointing artistic advisors, passing the annual Implementation Plan of the National Programme, and, upon the Director’s proposal, discussing all other issues pertinent to audiovisual activities. The term of office for Council members is two years.

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