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Artistic Council 

The Artistic Council proposes the priority list of submitted projects and programs, and recommends the allocation of funds for areas that are covered by the Public call. It is comprised of Artistic Advisors who are responsible for each individual category of the Public call. Chief Executive Officer presides over the Artistic Council without voting right.

Artistic Advisors

The Artistic Advisors review and assess programs that have applied to the Public calls. They are appointed by the Croatian Audiovisual Council upon the Director’s recommendation and are chosen for eight categories that are covered by the Public call: animated, documentary, experimental, feature and short films, minority co-productions, TV works and complementary activities.

Artistic Advisors assess the projects that have applied on the basis of submitted documentation and propose programs to the Croatian Audiovisual Council recommended for co-financing. The Audiovisual Advisors write reviews in which they assess the quality of individual projects, approve and review finished audiovisual works and monitor the realization of projects that were approved for co-financing. The term of office of each Artistic Advisor lasts until the final decisions on the allocation of funds has been passed in accordance with the public call for which he or she was appointed. The same person can be appointed Artistic Adviser no more than twice in a row.

Current Artistic Advisors by Category

Complementary Activities
Sanja Šamanović, Martina Globočnik and Katarina Ivče Farnell

Feature Films (production and development) 
Branko Schmidt, Sandra Antolić

Documentary Films (production and development)
Robert Tomić Zuber

Short Films
Nina Velnić

Animated Films (production and development)
Jelena Oroz

Experimental Films
Branka Benčić

Minority Co-productions
Boško Picula

TV Development
Vanja Runjić

Video Games
Juraj Hrvoje Krašković

Financial Advisor
Čedomir Kolar

Theatrical Distribution
Igor Saračević

Artistic Council

The Artistic Advisors comprise the Artistic Council, which proposes the priority list of submitted projects and programs, and recommends the allocation of funds for areas that are covered by the Public call. The Director convenes and presides over the Artistic Council without voting right. The priority list established by the Artistic Council is presented to the Croatian Audiovisual Council during a separate session. Each Artistic Advisor explains the proposed list of priorities in his/her category, upon which the Croatian Audiovisual Council reaches a final decision.

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